
英语专业 毕业论文


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英语专业 毕业论文

时间:2024-05-10 03:10 点击:97 次


English major graduation thesis is an important academic requirement for English major students. The thesis is a comprehensive reflection of students' academic achievements and research abilities in the field of English. The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed analysis of the English major graduation thesis from six aspects, including the research topic, research methods, literature review, data analysis, conclusion, and significance.

Research Topic

The research topic is the starting point of the thesis. A good research topic should be unique, feasible, and significant. English major graduation thesis topics can be related to literature, linguistics, culture, education, and other fields. The topic should be carefully selected based on the student's interests, academic background, and research objectives. The research topic should be clearly defined and focused to avoid ambiguity and confusion.

The research topic should be supported by a clear research question or hypothesis. The research question or hypothesis should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the research topic. The research question or hypothesis should guide the research process and help the student to achieve the research objectives.

Research Methods

The research methods used in the English major graduation thesis depend on the research topic and research objectives. The research methods can be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed. Qualitative research methods include interviews, observations, and case studies. Quantitative research methods include surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis. Mixed research methods combine qualitative and quantitative methods.

The research methods should be appropriate for the research topic and research objectives. The research methods should be clearly described and justified in the thesis. The research methods should be reliable and valid to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the research findings.

Literature Review

The literature review is an important part of the English major graduation thesis. The literature review should provide a comprehensive and critical analysis of the existing literature related to the research topic. The literature review should identify the research gaps and research questions that need to be addressed in the thesis.


The literature review should be organized logically and systematically. The literature review should be written in a clear and concise language. The literature review should be properly cited and referenced to avoid plagiarism.

Data Analysis


The data analysis is the process of interpreting and making sense of the research data. The data analysis should be based on the research question or hypothesis. The data analysis should be conducted using appropriate statistical or qualitative methods.

The data analysis should be presented in a clear and organized manner. The data analysis should be supported by tables, graphs, and other visual aids. The data analysis should be discussed in relation to the research question or hypothesis.


The conclusion is the final part of the English major graduation thesis. The conclusion should summarize the main findings of the thesis. The conclusion should answer the research question or hypothesis. The conclusion should highlight the significance of the research findings.

The conclusion should be written in a clear and concise language. The conclusion should be supported by the research findings. The conclusion should suggest directions for future research.


The English major graduation thesis has significant academic and practical implications. The thesis contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding in the field of English. The thesis demonstrates the student's research abilities and academic potential.

The English major graduation thesis can also have practical implications for the student's future career. The thesis can be used as a writing sample for job applications or graduate school applications. The thesis can also be presented at academic conferences or published in academic journals.


In conclusion, the English major graduation thesis is a comprehensive and challenging academic requirement for English major students. The thesis requires careful planning, research, and writing. The thesis should be focused, well-organized, and supported by reliable and valid research methods. The thesis should contribute to the development of knowledge and understanding in the field of English. The thesis should also have practical implications for the student's future career.


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